Dwadle to Dawn was updated March 17, 11:00 P.M. CST U.S.A. If you downloaded it prior to this date, please delete your old version and use this New improved one. The previous versions had errors that I have try to correct and I changed a few things. "Dwadle to Dawn" is my first HOMM II Map. I'm not saying it's perfect but I'm hoping it is. I hope you enjoy it. It is Medium in size. Up to four Human players can play. It has plenty of resoures, probably too much, (chuckle). I selected 'Hard" but it might be normal, what do I know, (chuckle)! Capture Hillstone to win. (at least that is the theory). There are plenty of resourse's, use them quickly and wisely. Don't lose your boat, you might get stranded. Buy your tavern the first week so you don't miss any clues. You can build your army fast if you are wise. Build your castle as quickly as possible. Get in a boat as soon as possible to grab the treasures. To the Central North is Hillstone and below it are other castles and lands with treasures. If you choose the wizard, don't upgrade the Iron Golem as at the bottom you can upgrade them free... And of course if you find flaws, errors, or want to ask questions, or make comments please be kind enough to email me (address below) to let me know what and where the flaws or errors are, ok? P.S. Remember all you Heroes, Phil McCrum and I both have VP (Virtual Places) Chat on our web pages. Either page gives info about it. Phil has indepth info so check it out! It would be nice to chat to all the HOMM II Live but you gotta have "VP CHAT" for us all to get together! It is a very simply chat program and very very nice, it's great for newbies. Also don't forget about Phil's HOMM II Map Contest. Check it out on his HOMM II Web Site at: http://www.wenet.net/~pmccrum/Heroes/index.htm Now go enjoy the game! Cee Cee Combs E-Mail me at combs@feist.com This is my HOMM II Web Site: http://www.feist.com/~combs/heroes2.html